Pay Piggy Experiences Financial Domination Remorse
Have you ever experienced financial domination remorse? The answer to that question is probably yes. Feeling remorse in the Findom world is very real. These feelings can appear without warning. Think buyers remorse!
This condition is not only real, it’s guaranteed to happen. You feel injured, sick and remorseful. You’re probably wondering why it happens and what triggers these episodes.
Let’s Explore Financial Domination Remorse
In my experience as a phone sex therapist; I see remorse more in Findom than I do in any other kinks or fetishes. Why? Perhaps its because of the damage it can do both personally and financially. Financial remorse doesn’t really need an explanation. That remorse is self explanatory.
You spend more than you should for long periods of time and that could lead to financial ruin. Financial ruin quickly and unequivocally translates to financial domination remorse.
But let’s digress for a moment here to remember not all pay piggys experience financial ruin. Some of you pay sluts have no limits to your disposable income, yet you feel remorse. That’s when remorse hits the personal side of your life.
Personal As Opposed To Financial Remorse
Now let’s talk about the personal aspect of Findom remorse. In my experience, married men experience far more financial remorse than their single counterparts. The reason being you are taking away from your wife and family; personally not financially, to feed your addiction.
Did you ever stop and think how much time you spend feeding your financial addiction? More than you think piggy! Sneaking around, lying, making up excuses and stories or where you’ve been or where you’re going……the list goes on and on! Emphasis on feeding your addiction because that is relevant to the personal side of remorse.
Clicking around looking at all the Findom Mistresses and reading their profiles takes up a lot of your time! After all, you have to find just the right Findom to fit your needs. Let me remind you, you are sneaking around doing all of this investigative work!
Once you’ve found the perfect Femdom Mistress; you want to start clicking all of her goodie bags, sending tributes and funding her payment requests.
If you think all of those fun tasks don’t take time, you are sadly mistaken.
Complexity Of Addiction
Unless you are deficient in judgment and common sense , you have separate bank accounts, credit cards and prepaid cards that you use. Lot’s of time management there piggys to keep those all funded and balanced. One charge on the wrong credit card could open up your Pandora’s Box to a not so understanding audience.
Time you could have spent with your wife, girlfriend or significant other.
Your mind also becomes absent from your home life because you are always thinking about how you can be a better pay pig to your Mistress. More attention, devotion and of course more money. Those things alone translate into less time and money in your personal life.
I think you get the drift piggys! Financial domination remorse is way more complex than just giving up your hard earned cash. Need to get rid of your cash? I’m just a phone call or tribute away!
To read my other blog, your phone sex therapist.com click HERE
Until later,