What Does Your Mantra Say About You?
Do you have a mantra related to your addiction or fetish?
Mantra; A mantra is a sacred utterance. A numinous sound, a syllable, word or phonemes, or group of words in Sanskrit. It believed by practitioners to have psychological affect on the person uttering the mantra.
Many of my patients have a mantra tailored to their addiction or fetish. In this case, my patient loves small penis humiliation with a twist of financial domination.
Do You Have A Mantra Related To Your Addiction Or Fetish
I asked my caller Cody to write a mantra. As a result, he wrote the following which I found totally blog worthy. Once you read his mantra you will understand his need for his phone sex therapist.
I pay per minute to pump my puny pathetic pee pee in my pillow girlfriends pool noodle pussy. It makes my pinky pecker prematurely puke its putrid piggy protoplasm profusely. I’m a professional pussy pencil dick pervert who promptly purges the paycheck from my pockets to my phone sex therapist every time I pull and putz with my pitiful peanut size prick. I love pumping my pitiful prick. As a result, it is pushing me into poverty!

Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words
So what does your mantra say about you? Do you like to loop words over and over in your mind or would you rather look at pictures and illustrations?
Do you have a mantra related to your addiction or fetish that you would like to share?
Either way; I know while your reciting your mantra or looking at perverted porn pics, you are pumping your pathetic little pencil dick!
Would you like to be featured on one of my upcoming blogs? If so, send me your best work. Want to be considered for a Kink and Coffee Episode? Let’s do a phone session interview! It will be intense! Or, let’s create a mantra that fits just you.
Until later,
Dr. K